
Quantitative Services

  • Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI).

  • Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI).

  • Central Location Testing (CLT).

  • Business to Business (B2B).

  • Mystery Shopping.

  • Tracking.

Quantitative Quality Control

Secret Field Agency handles everything from assigning expert interviewers to project oversight. We always try to fit those team members and interviewers who already posses experience in the industry or niche of your next project. We always work to ensure all of our interviewers are fully prepared to tackle your project and complete any fieldwork with excellence. That is why we always emphasize the importance of the following:

The value and principles of sampling.

Questionnaire Design And Surveys.

Any Necessary Fieldwork Procedures.

How to carefully probe and approach targets.

Interaction and Interviewing techniques.

And all other client requests.

Qualitative Services

  • Focus Groups.

  • In-Depth.

  • Shop Along.

  • In-Depth Interviews.

  • Community.

Qualitative Quality Control

In those rare occurrences where an interviewer’s selection of respondents or quality of session appears less than optimal, we will reexamine his/her work. In the event an error is made, we will replace him/her with a new interviewer and respondents to ensure quality standards are always maintained.

We require that no respondents have prior knowledge of each other, are related, or have friends in the group.

We let our respondents know upfront of the time commitment to avoid leaving midway through a group session.

We have at least 3 recruiters working with each group and each group should have 6-8 respondents.

There is a 6 month cool-down period for respondents between any consecutive sessions.

We ask that all recruitment forms be handed over to our central location at least 24 hours before the session.

Respondents are due to arrive at the venue 10-15 minutes before the start to be rescreened and welcomed.

We Provide the Best Service in the Industry​